We’re taking summer camp arts and crafts to the next level. Join us for a 2-hour class about the history of Amphora while you build your own amphora shaped bud vase. Taught by CECERAMICS Owner and ceramicist, Christie Goodfellow, and The Rhined’s Wine Director, Madison Malott.
Wine aged in clay has become popular in recent years with the rise of natural wine, but this technique is far from new. Born during the time of Ancient Rome, clay has played an integral part in the history of wine and the development of how we drink wine today. You will taste through 4 amphora-aged wines during this class and additional glasses will be available for purchase from the bar. Bar opens at 5:30pm and remains open after class for more sips and swirls. Lite bites provided by the Rhined.
More information and link to sign up to attend on Tuesday, July 19